FieldWorks is 24!

On March 19, 2025, FieldWorks turned 24 years old.

Over that time we’ve helped over 575 clients, hired over 70,000 field organizers, and helped to make real change for the progressive community.

We’re still fired up, ready to work, and join you in the trenches over the next two, four, and twenty-four years ahead.

We’re proud to sponsor and be part of two upcoming conferences where we hope to join the conversation about where we go from here.

  • America Votes State Summit – April 8-10 in Washington, DC
  • BISC Road Ahead – April 29-May 1 in Las Vegas, NV

If you’re going to be in either place, let us know, we’d love to connect!

If we don’t see you there, hopefully we’ll see you on the frontlines soon!

Team FieldWorks

Read the FieldWorks History!